Saturday, May 3, 2008

The status so far

Well, it's May 3rd, which means I have just under a month to get the book with the Bunny finished.

How many Pages do I have to complete? 20

How many still need to be penciled? at least 8

How much chance do I have of finishing on time? BUCKLEYS!!

Do I plan on stopping? NO!



On the flip side though, I got to meet Hugh Jackman today. Yes folks, Wolverine himself. Very, very brief chat with the man, but a really nice guy. Friendly, approachable. Unlike another certain female, blonde, beanpole celebrity I have had contact with.

Anyway. I'm going to play a video game, do some inking, then hit the hay. It's 1.30 now, so hopefully I'll be in bed around, oh, let's say 5.00

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