Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bye Bye Gyps

When I was living with my Ex, we had two cats. One was a lively little orange tabby named Caitlyn. She was the tomboy. Rough house, troublesome, rebellious. I adored her. The other was a grey little fur ball named Gypsy. Gypsy made me laugh, cause she was just dumb. She was the Paris Hilton of cats - knew she was cute, exploited it, not a lot else to fall back on. I actually caught her practicing cute in the mirror one time. I loved Gypsy because she made me laugh. The world just didn't make sense to her. Not long after we moved into the to story Town house, Gyps was running down the stairs at full tilt. She mis-judged the turn and slammed straight into the wall. After a few seconds of watching the little stars float about her head, she noticed me looking at her. She gave me a very confused and slightly hurt "Mroar?", as if to say "Who put that there?" Whenever I used to work on the computer, gypsy would come running up and sit on my lap while I worked. She could hear the computer start up, and within minutes I could hear her Meowing next to me for me to pick her up. When everything was going completely to hell in that house, it was Gyps who always managed to cheer me up in some manner or another.

I got a call tonight from the girl who was looking after Gypsy and Caity. Apparently, Gyps had gotten out of the house and run into the street. She got hit by a car. Everyone seemed to think she was alright. More shaken than anything. The girl looking after her found her tonight, passed out in her room. Upon taking Gypsy to the vet, they found that Gypsy's injuries were a lot more severe. She's not expected to last through the night.

I've really missed both of my girls - the Kitty brats as I used to call them - but I've been especially missing Gypsy. She was dumb and the world seemed like way to big and confusing a place for her, but she made me really happy at a time when I wasn't. But now I'm going to miss the little fuzzball even more.

Bye Bye Gypsy.

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