Sunday, May 18, 2008

The shape of things to come

I'm really looking forward to June being over.

Supanova will be done. That's the big comic related event. We've all been working like mad towards that point, in order to have something new worth showing to people. So for how ever long, it's just been comic, comic, comic, comic. Hell, anybody who regularly reads this post can attest to that.
After June, the comics go on the back burner. I don't have any plans to get stuck into either Robotoon 3 or Woodville 2. I need a break. What I am looking forward to is getting back into Movie production. I dying to make a new film! I've got both The Lot and Fearless Monster Hunters half finished, and I want to get some new stuff shot as well. I've either bought or built all this new equipment that I haven't had a chance to use yet. My damn camera is sitting on the bottom shelf collecting dust. I have people around me asking about when we're getting stuck into some new projects, so it seems they're all as impatient as I am.

So yeah. Bring on July.

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