Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More Developments

Why am I blogging so much at the moment? Truth be told, it's so I can avoid that freaking drawing table!

OK. I've completed the cover image for Robotoon 2. It's not scanned yet, so it's also not coloured. That just means that you don't get to see it. Yet. I'm getting a little closer to getting some of the other pages finished as well. It's the strange way I work - instead of just concentrating on one page, finishing that then moving on, I'll jump all over the place. Do a panel here, a detail there. So technically I still have 19 or 20 pages to finish, but some of them are very close while others are no where near, so it's tough to judge just how much I have left to do. Too much for how short an amount of time I have.

I have my four day weekend coming up next week, which hopefully will get me a lot caught up on my schedule. The way my job works, since I'm casual, is that I get two days off every week. But those two days are never regular, and can be on any day of the week. So, if you plan it correctly, and take off the last two days of one week, and the first two days of the next weeks, you essentially get four days off in a row, but still get all your shifts for the weeks. I booked this weeks ago, and it, just like the deadline, came up much faster than expected. I'm going to try to get all the initial pencilling done on all pages before then. So I only have to transfer and ink after that. No simple task, but I'm trying.

You know, I often wonder why I do this to myself. I've been self publishing for about four years now, trying to get a new book out every year. I've only had to miss one year, when I just couldn't get the book done on time. I go through all this stress, put off doing anything else I might want to do, spend all this cash on ink, paper, printing and what not, and for what? I'm lucky to make 20 bucks at one of these cons. The thing is, watching people read my stuff, smiling, giggling, looking like they are enjoying it - that seems to make it all worth it. I think that's the feeling I'm addicted to. When I've honestly given people something that entertains them, knowing they're enjoying something that I've created. It's a hell of a feeling.

Anyway. It's half 3 in the morning. And I have inking to do when I wake up. Oh, by the way. If you enjoyed my Freddy vs Jason vs Ash post, at some point I'll write up my idea for Spider-Man 4, 5 and 6. Every now and then I'll throw another one of these ideas up, just to get them out there.

Goodnight Y'all.

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