Monday, May 5, 2008

Another night . . .

. . . another case of sleep deprivation.

I have my new DVD of Superman cartoons playing behind me. I just saw the one that introduced the Phantom Zone, now we have Livewire's origin being played out. Livewire's voiced by the chick who played Tank girl - Lori Petty I believe her name is. Perfect, screechy, whiny voice for the character. I just managed to get a fare chunk of inking done. Actually finished a page last night. I think that takes me down to only 18 pages to go. Of course, I still have to colour the cover and letter everything. The fact that I've given myself a deadline nearly a month ahead gives me a little bit of leeway.

I so had something to talk about when I started typing.

I really hope that I'm not disturbing my room mates with my nocturnal adventures. I have the dryer going in the other room, which ain't exactly quiet. The volume on the TV is turned down, but I still need to have it at a level so I can hear it. (I work with machinery all day - my hearing is fucked!)

That was it. I have to work tomorrow - well, technically tonight, but let's not split hairs - and then I'm into my 4 day weekend. This is when I either catch up and get ahead, or quit. If I can't get a significant chunk of the book completed by the end of the four days, I'm gonna have to pack it in. So I'm going to be working like a nightmare. Much to Vanessa's disgust, I'm going to need a shitload of Pepsi to get me through. I managed to get another page pre-pencilled at work tonight, so that bodes well. I was seriously considering filming myself over the weekend, just to watch how much I degrade as the time passes. Unfortunately, I think that will wind up being time wasted, so maybe not.

One last thing. I sent Liana a message today - for the un-initiated, Liana is my pseudo little sister and the original Shempette. Which I'm sure cleared the mystery of her identity right up - about her script. She wrote a story called 'Can you come get me?', which was based on an actual event one night. She tried filming it, but it didn't turn out so well. I've basically arranged with her to shoot it after the Con is over. I loved the story and really want to see it finished, so I'm kinda excited about it.

OK. More later. Going to bed.

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