Tuesday, May 20, 2008

And the Title would be. . .

I have no intention on sleeping tonight.

I'm not kidding. I have a rare 9am start in the morning. My sleeping patterns are so extraordinarily screwed up at the mo, that I can't even begin to get to sleep until around four in the morn. that will only give me about 2 hours sleep, which will just do more harm than good. So the hell with it. I'll push on through. I haven't done the whole "I can feel every nerve ending in my body" thing for a while. Actually, I think the last time was after Armageddon con last year, driving back to Sydney from Melbourne all night after being at the Con all day. That hurt.

I'm just sitting here with Bruce the shark and looking over all my pages. I only have three more to trace up. Out of the 25 - including the cover - I'm still at twelve completed. There's several that are close - one final tweak or panel and there done. I realise I'm getting a little short on time, but it's not as bad as I was believing before.

I bought a couple of new brushes to help with the inking. My old one had seen quite a bit of action over the course of it's tenure. Like Indy said, it's not the years, it's the millage. These are sable brushes, which are supposed to be top notch, but they are not working out well at all. I don't know if there's some sort of prep thing you've got to do with them, but they're getting this weird, twist shape which is starting to annoy me. It's only one o'clock, but I'm feeling kinda tired.

Tony scanned a lot of my artwork in, including all the finished pages. I've manged to get a big chunk of the actual book laid out, which is looking pretty good. I've got to do an inside front cover, which I have in mind, and the back of the book as well. I've got some fan art to put in, just like last issue. (Which I should have gotten scanned, now that I think of it). I've been colouring the cover, which is looking really freaking good! Things are moving along quite smoothly I think.

I'm flying a major optimism streak. Don't ruin it for me.

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