Sunday, May 4, 2008

Shoes and Zzzzz's

When Supanova is over, and I've got this book safely behind me, I have got to try and get my sleeping patterns into some sort of normalcy. I mean, they used to be slightly screwed up - I'd go to bed around 2 in the morning, get up around 11 - 11.30. But now they've completely gone to hell. I'm not getting to bed till about 5, and I'm getting up around 1 in the afternoon for crying out loud. Good knows what this is doing to my health. The fact that I've been sick twice already this season might not be a good sign.

The silly part about his is, and I just made the connection in my head, is that when this is all over, I have two films I want to shoot that involve me STAYING OUT ALL NIGHT!!! I can't figure out if I'm dedicated, or just a Dumb ass.

On a slightly different note, I wonder if it's possible to feel truly apologetic to an inanimate object? For quite some time now, I've needed a new pair of sneakers. My old ones were falling apart. And I'm not speaking figuratively here. A chunk fell off them the other day!. So I finally bit the bullet and went and bought a new pair. I had forgotten how vividly bright white new sneakers are! These things almost glow in the dark! You could pick me up on Google Earth in these suckers! The what I was feeling apologetic about is I put them next to my old ones, just for a comparison. And all the crap that has happened to the old ones, is what the new ones are about to go through. It's a good thing shoes have no sense of self awareness. If my new shoes had any idea what they were about to go through, they'd probably commit suicide to save themselves the pain and suffering. I'd come into my room to find they had hung themselves with their own shoelaces.

1 comment:

Amie.f.d said...

Lol-i love reading your blog. I know what you mean about shoes though-personally i hate sneakers (joggers, whatever) but unfortunatly i need them for work, so i put off buying a new pair for as long as i could. Mine were so bad, what used to be dark grey had actually turned white, they had been wet so often the colour had totally run outta them. I bit the bullet and got some new ones, unfortunatly they never look new for long.