Friday, May 30, 2008

Cheating is such a harsh word

I have another page done, but only because I totally cheated. I just made it up in photoshop, using a background photo I took in the city - which was meant to be for drawing reference - and some photo's I got off the web. I added some effects, stuck it in and bingo. You're done, baby!

Usually, I'm not a big fan of doing things like this. I think I mentioned this in an earlier blog. But with the time constraints I have, and the time I have left, I've unfortunately gotta do it. After the book is finished, or for a reprint or collected edition, I'll draw in what I originally wanted. But for now, this will have to do. The image at the right there isn't the final one. It's an earlier scan I used to do the background art.

9 to go. 18 days left.

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