Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Not recommended for Children under 30

I've drunken way too much Pepsi and probably won't be able to sleep. On the upside, I got a page finished!!

Anybody out there see the Transformers movie last year? Of course you did. IT rocked! Personal opinion, but I think it was one of the best movies to come out last year. I loved it. I thought everything about that movie worked and worked beautifully. That movie so got snubbed at the Academy awards fro best visual effect. CG polar bears? Whopdey fricking doo.

Of course, having a big screen movie that's based on a toy only means one thing. More toys! And because I thought that Speilberg guy could use the cash, I bought them. All the Transformer figures based on the movie. Autobots and Decipticons. (The spell check just had a heart attack on those two.) All except Megatron. I wasn't really that thrilled with the design of Megs in the movie, and it didn't translate to a toy too well. But every time I looked at my collection, all lined up proudly on my shelf, I always noticed that big gap. So, inevitably it seems, just recently I finally splashed out and bought myself Megatron.

Did you know that Transformers were originally created to teach kids some hand-eye co- ordination. That was the entire scheme behind the Japanese company that created them. It wasn't till the American company that bought the rights to the toys got their hands on it that the whole back story about the war, the Autobots, Cybertron and all the rest came about. So that was their whole purpose. Toys. For kids ages 5 and up.

What the hell is my point!?! Simply this. There is no way in HELL you would ever give these new toys to a kid!! They're too damn complicated! And Megatron here is the worst one! If I had of received Megs here when I was 9, I would have wound up getting bored and frustrated with it, possibly broken it trying to transform it, and been one shitty, surly mess. I've still got my original Optimus Prime, which could be transformed in about 8 seconds. When I got the Movie Optimus, the first time I did it took me a good 15 Min's to work out!!

Toys aren't for kids anymore! The complexity of them, the level of detail and paint work put into them. You wouldn't want to waste them on kids! Unless you've managed to spawn some sort of child prodigy and have the next Doogie Howser on your hands, give your kids a stick and an old tennis ball, and keep them the hell out of the Toy store.

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