Thursday, May 29, 2008

To the left, to the right, to the left . . .

I.m taking a break from the drawing table by working on the computer, and I'm taking a break from the computer to work at the drawing table. The only reprieve I'm getting from drawing is when I go to work, and I'm taking my drawings with me to work so I can draw when I'm not working.

No wonder I'm knackered.

I'm about an hour or so away from completing another page. That makes 14 done, with 11 to go. I wanted to keep going, but my wrist was cramping up, so I thought I better take a break. I'm also running out of ink! Well, not running out exactly. I bought a small jar of it only about a month ago, give or take. I'm done to the last dregs right now. I seem to remember those things lasting a bit longer than this. Admittedly, I haven't had such an intensive work schedule as this for a while. Those fucking new sable brushes I bought are completely useless. I think my old brush was a Windsor and Newton, so when I drive into Penrith tomorrow - hell of a trip just for art supplies, but I need paper - I'll see if they have any of those I can get. I don't mind spending money on equipment, as long as it's worth the money. So far, with working on this project, I've bought three brushes, two jars and one bottle of Ink. And the only thing that's been worth the money was the Ink. Fuckers.

I'm finally hitting the point with the pages that the end is coming very quickly. I've been working constantly, doing a panel here, a a detail there, which is leading me to the point where there's only a few things to do and the page is done. That explains why I've managed to get two pages finished in two days, when I don't think I've had a completed page in weeks. At this rate, I might - stress the word MIGHT - get finished a couple days earlier than expected. But I really think I should take a break for a while,just for my own sake of sanity.

Fuck it. I'm playing video games for a while.

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