Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Still cranking them out

I haven't blogged in a while, cause I've been . . . well, tired, busy, sick. A whole bunch of things. I'm still at nine pages to go. I'm coughing and choking like nobodies business cause I've somehow managed to get sick again. That's 6 times so far this season! And it's not even winter yet!

The first of June came and went. I wasn't wrong. I couldn't get this book finished by then. If the Con was this weekend, I would have been screwed. As it stands, I'm pushing it. 9 pages in 15 days sounds pretty good, but those days are slipping away quite quickly. To tell the truth - I was going to say I don't care about being done by con, but that's horseshit. I DO care. tremendously. I mean, I haven't been slogging my ass off just for some random date. This has been really important to get it done for this one event. But I have reached a point where I will finish this issue whether it's for con or not. I just want it done. I really want to think about other things for a while. I realised the other day, I haven't had a conversation with anyone for a while that didn't involve the words "Pages, Con, Comic or Drawing" in weeks. I've been so single minded, I'm boring. Even when I'm hanging out with my girl, I sometimes start thinking that this is time not spent working. And that's no a nice thing to think.

I just want to be finished. I'm so tired. Being sick doesn't help at all, and that doesn't seem to want to go away. God knows when I'll do issue three.

1 comment:

Amie.f.d said...

Shannon has never been and will never be boring!!!