Monday, June 23, 2008

What'd I make?

The final tally for the Convention was:

Woodville: 2 Issues sold.
RoboToon 1: 7 Issues sold.

And the big one,

RoboToon 2: 8 Issues sold!!!

That was a pretty good weekend. When you compare it to Armageddon down in Melbourne, where I only sold, I think, 3 issues of Robotoon 1, I had a really good weekend. I'm not too sure how the others did, not too badly I think. A lot of people were buying both issue one and 2 two. I spent most of my time plugging Robotoon, which is why Woodville did so badly. One issue of Woodville I sold for two dollars to a kid who wanted to trade his book for mine. The book was shit - he was a kid, so I'll give him a break - which is why I wouldn't do a straight trade. I plugged like hell with everyone who slowed down around my table. My line about it being "the World's greatest comic about a Superhero Robotic Rabbit" seemed to get people to stop and look a little longer, which let me sell a little harder.

I got accused by Tania at one point of not sending people her way when they were finished at my table, but - quite frankly - that seems fair enough to me. Not meaning to be a shit, but I only had three books one one half of one table. Those were my priority. That's the whole reason I was there. They had two tables full of all their stuff, which was their priority. i directed some people towards them every now and then, but I wanted to sell MY stuff. If people were walking by, it was up to them to entice them in to their table, not me. Minor rant.

I did have one guy walk up to the table, see the display and exclaim rather excitedly "Oh Cool! Robotoon 2!!", which I gotta admit made my day. He already had my other books, and exclaimed how much he was looking forward to the latest issue. That was a really nice feeling.

Vanessa showed up on Sunday. I don't think she knew what she was in for, cause she wound up getting pretty bored. Exhibiting at a Con is a lot of just sitting around and waiting, which can get boring. We would find ways of amusing ourselves - drawing, giving each other shit, taking the piss out of the people in costume - which keeps us going for the two days. But it was a whole new thing for Ness, so I don't think she was quite prepared.

So that's it. The last 6 months of my life is done, and it seems to have been worth it. The few people I have spoken to who read issue 2 said they really enjoyed it, which is what justifies all the work I've put into it. All those bad nights and long weekends and stress and shit will all start to fade away in time. But that buzz I get when someone buys my book, and the bigger buzz i get when I hear how much someone enjoyed it - That's the reason i keep doing this.

But I'm done for now! I've finally got some time for my self. I can relax, I play some video games, or hang out with my friends, or watch a movie with my girl. I don't have any deadlines, or pressing projects or anything like that. I can quite happily sit around and do nothing for a while.

. . . where'd I put that camera?


Amie.f.d said...

Fucking awesome. Like the new front cover.

Anonymous said...

Well Done :)