Thursday, June 19, 2008

Coming soon to a hand deliverable location near you

Well, I did it.

The printer deliverd the finished books to work tonight. 100 copies plus a promotinal poster. 7 months of my life condensed to 28 pages. Good God I'm stuffed.

The last few days were possibly some of the worst during the whole creation of the book, and that's saying something. I got the artwork finished last saturday, which I honestly thought was the hardest part. We went over to Tania and Owen's to get the pages scanned in and Hangout with Tony for a while. By the time I got Vanessa home and got back here, it was around 10.30. I got stuck into the text, hoping to get the book finished and deliverd Monday mornig.

It took me a while to clean up and prepare the artwork to go in the book. So that was about another hour. I put some of the text I had already completed into the pages and started laying them out in the book. At one point I decided to put all the pages in the layout, just to see how it looked. I got it all done and taken care of, when I realised that Page 16 was blank. No big deal, I thought. I looked in the folder where I saved all the pages. No 16. Must have missed it, I thought. Looked at the disk with all the artwork. Went through every single file. It very slowly dawned on me, mostly because I didn't want to believe it, that I had missed it. One freaking page not scanned! The stupid part was, Tony and I were joking about it earlier on in the day.

1 comment:

Amie.f.d said...

well at least you got it sorted, sounds like the universe just wanted to give you one last test. sux when that happens.