Friday, June 27, 2008

God help me, I'm lost

Today was my first day off after Con. And did not know what to do with myself!

I've been this way all week. I keep trying to remind myself that I'm not on deadline anymore, and that I don't have to do anything, but I'm having trouble just . . . turning off. So far this week - and this is mostly just nervous energy - I've cleaned my room, sorted my computer table and drawing bench, I've collected parts and started building props, I've done some storyboarding, I've started plotting out the story for the feature length Monster movie I want to try and make, I've done some more redesigns of the Golden Age characters and completed a page of the short Spider-Duck story I'm doing to pad out the reprint. And that's just since Sunday!

The annoying part is, I can't actually concentrate on any one project. I'm all over the place. The ironic part is that I need to calm down and relax before I can start getting any work done again. At least my sleeping patterns seem to be returning to normal.

The Shooting Spree is coming. . .

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