Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weddings, Weeks off, Film festivals and Ghost of Girlfriends past.

Why are my headings longer than most people's blogs?

Anyway. It seems I moved into my new home just long enough to disappear for a week. I had my first 'holiday' in possibly about 7 or 8 years. It essentially consisted of me jumping in a car and driving for 6 days.

I planned it to so my time off work coincided with my friends Chris and Amie's wedding. Considering that half of the people who read this blog ARE Chris and Amie, this news may be slightly redundant. Tony and I headed up on the Friday before the wedding, and made it in time to pick up my suit and hang out with the happy couple before heading to the Rehearsal. We were delayed by a stop in Gundagai, which why there hasn't been a horror movie set in that town, I don't know. Anyway, from the rehearsal, we went to Chris's best friend and Best man Ben's place for a BBQ. So we could find the place, Chris arranged to ride in my car and direct us. After which, he promptly got into a DIFFERENT car and forgot all about us.

This is why we love Chris. The fact he remembered he was getting married still slightly bewilders me.

On Saturday, we headed out to their place, found out Amie was getting her hair done, so, with my video camera in tow, we headed out. After talking and filming the girls briefly - which I forgot to change the mic input on, so there's no sound - we headed for Ben's place to talk to Chris. Where Tony and I had a blast playing with Steve's Nerf gun collection. The comparison between the Bride's pre-wedding preparation and the Grooms still staggers and amuses me.

Amie entrusted me with picking up the cake and delivering it to the reception room. I don't think bomb disposal crews are as careful moving things as we were. Getting to the reception room early - which looked great - gave me a chance to go over things with the Matre De there as to how to work things, considering I was one of the Groomsmen and also the MC. We sorted it out, I checked the mic, tried a joke with Tony that did NOT work and took off. During the rest of the day, I ran from one place to another, checking in on things, making as many jokes as I could to keep people as relaxed as possible. Hopefully this worked. I enjoyed it, cause it made me feel like I was contributing more than just showing up.

We made it to the park where the wedding was going to be an hour early, as requested. It was warm, but not too bad. The spot Chris and Amie picked was really lovely, right by a small duck pond with a little alcove. We set up the table for the wedding certificate and the flowers and such - wrong, apparently - and waited. Amie was only about 10 minutes late - she's so punctual, I think even honouring this tradition was a little much for her. She looked absolutely beautiful in her dress, with her grandfather walking her down the aisle. The wedding went off without a hitch. Amie got a little choked up a few times while reciting her vows, but it was rather sweet.

Afterwards, we got photos taken and headed into the reception area. We got in, sat down, got fed, talked, laughed and hung out while I became exceedingly freaked out, waiting for my big moment. Being MC. Just before starting, I went and got a beer from the bar, just to get a little dutch courage in me. Usually, I have no problems talking in front of crowds, but as I've said before, Chris and Amie are both really important to me, and I wanted to give them a good show. I started by getting the crowd to sing Happy birthday to Steve, who turned thirty - That's 30! - on the same day as the wedding. I then got into my speech, which I mostly winged, and introduced the other speakers. I made some jokes, told some stories, poured my heart out and people seemed to enjoy themselves and laugh at all the right places. I did find out later, however that I inadvertently mentioned a couple things that Amie wished I hadn't. Which gutted me. The fact that she hadn't enjoyed the whole of my time with the Mic, which was what I truly was hoping for, completely floored me. I'm still a little regretful about it. Although I did love her comment of "I'm going to be mad at you for the next 45 minutes, then I'll forgive you, but I'll NEVER FORGET!"

The rest of the night was great. We danced and drank and generally just had a good night. I had a really good time, except for one little thing. My Ex, who was also a brides maid. I had been extraordinarily mad at her ever since we broke up about 18 or so months ago. I was aware of this, but not quite how much, as this was the first time I'd seen her or had to spend any elongated amount of time with her since. I was trying very hard to be nice, but it was really difficult.

The next day, we all hung out at the house the Richmond crew was renting while they were up there for a BBQ. I'd had enough of how bad I was feeling around Paula, so I straight away went and found her and we had a little chat. No, we had quite a large chat. I poured it all out. How angry I was, how much she had pissed me off, some of the stupid stuff she had pulled when we were together. She had a few things of her own to say, and it all came out as well. We weren't nasty about it, although I did say a few things through clenched teeth. And a really unexpected thing happened. It all went away. All the anger and resentment and hurt and whatever else was churning around inside me just left. We were actually getting along for the rest of the night, which I think everyone else appreciated. One person told me the frostiness between us could snap freeze a charging rhinoceros. I haven't forgiven her completely just yet. But I am forgiving her.

So, we finally left on the Monday, after getting Chris and Amie home safely and headed for Thurrioul, which is just north of Wollongong. I just wanted some time away from the world for a while, and there was a beach there. Ness came up and met up with us, and we had a good time. We spent one day at the Buddhist temple on the other side of Wollongong, which is freaking huge!

While we were in Thurrioul though, we got a call from Tony's new lady love, asking about our entries in a film festival. Long story short - which I'm sure you're hoping for by now - I'm shortlisted. My film The Lot is being screened. I'm going to post some details up here later.

Came home, was knackered, cleaned up my house, went to sleep.

The end.

1 comment:

Amie.f.d said...

Im pretty gutted about what was said myself as it was my wedding day and all. I have been trying not to make you feel worse about it, but i will say this, some people may have laughed, but many were not amused, and it was followed by awkward questions and false assumptions directed towards me and also you.