Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back to the Bunny

So I finally worked out the remaining few pages on Robotoon 3. I had the first 15 and the last 9 figured out, but I was stuck in the middle. There was a whole sequence I had planned on including, but if I did it the way I wanted to, it would have required another 8 pages in the middle, at least. Considering I have three months to get this finished in time for Supanova, I needed to try and find a way around that.

So tonight, Finally, I figured out the last two pages. It still works, and I can just save the sequence for another story. It was one joke, which just extended the story. It'll float around in the cesspool of consciousness until I can work it into something else.

I've got a large amount of the pages photocopied and transferred onto the final art board, and I've gotten into the inking. Since I've finally relented and abandoned the brush and ink, things seem to be moving a lot faster, I hate to admit. So, a few months work and I'll have another chapter in this continuing saga.

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