Friday, September 5, 2008

IT begins . . . AGAIN!!

Go help me, I penciled the first page of Issue 3 of Robotoon.

I had the day off today and experienced a boredom the likes I haven't felt for a while. This feeling was palatable, I could feel it on my skin like a rash! I realised later that, after the last month of the shooting spree, then prepping before that, today was the first day off in a while that I didn't have something I needed to do. It always shocks me how much I need that, that feeling of purpose. Without it . . . well, I tend to go a little crazy.

So, after finally cleaning up my room - I forgot there was a rug on this floor - and organising enough that I could get to my Drawing table, I thought I'd make a start. If you're one of the people who are looking forward to this book, don't get too excited. I've plotted this book at 22 pages, and I have three pages to do for Tony's OZSLAUGHT before hand. I didn't do anything for the last issue, which I think hurt Tony a bit. Only He and Tania contributed last time. I don't yet know when the next convention is, but I'm giving myself 4 months to get the book done. The last one took 7. The one before that 12. Years.

ON the flip side, I finally completed my first professional - read, Paid for! - drawing assignment in years. I had to draw a sick forklift for a logo. If you live in Sydney, keep an eye out for this image airbrushed to the side of a van, which is apparently the future destination for it.

ON yet another note, the second deadline for Trasharama is coming up in the next week or so. Hopefully after that, I'll get some word as to how my entry went. I don't mind saying, I'm sweating bullets. I desperately want to be short listed - not win, just short listed.

And for those who are interested, Tony's OK. Really, really hurt, but I think he's made some kind of peace with it. He had a chat to the girl, and even though he doesn't like it, can accept her reasons. You want details, ask him. Not my story to tell.

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