Friday, September 26, 2008


I have to admit, one of the things I hate about blog reading is the inevitable "gee, it's been a while since I updated this thing" post. We somehow feel guilty because we just haven't been inspired to update, or there just hasn't been anything going on we felt was blog worthy. I think the whole point of a blog is just to be able to write something down when we have something to say, and shouldn't feel obligated to always update.

Of course, with that in mind . . .

Gee, it's been a while since I've updated this thing!

Yeah, I've had a few short posts, and the beginning of the Superman Rant, which I pre-wrote. And I have had a few things happen which I could have blogged about, but when I stopped and thought about how long it would take me to get my thoughts down - truth be told, I simply couldn't have been bothered. I can be a little long winded sometimes, so writing this thing can take a fair bit of effort on my part.

So. A lot of my recent post were quoting on my mental state. I had a really bad bout of depression there for a while. Brought on by my job. I'm over it. The erratic schedule, the hypocritical management style, the work itself, the way it keeps me away from my friends and family and the all over dead end nature of it. I've been getting these huge waves of rage come over me because of it. I'm sick of what it's doing to my life, to my health and to my state of mind. I just fucking hate it! I'm desperately looking for a new job, but I'm not having much luck. Most of the time I can't even get an interview. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong, because I'm getting increasingly frustrated. My beautiful Vanessa told me she has a feeling I'll get a new, better job very soon. I hope she's right.

On the comic side of things, I have a bunch of older, smaller stories which I'm trying to get finished. There's a four page Spider-Duck story, which will be going in the book I'm doing that will reprint the original online strip. There's The Death of Captain Cliche, which takes the piss out of the Death of Superman. There's also Coalition of the Willing, which I'd kinda like to get done and gone, but it's further down the line. I also have the pages from the next issue of Ozslaught to get done. And then there's RoboToon 3, which I have started. One page, admittedly, but it's a start.

Film wise - I've been doing a lot of editing over the last month or so. I did a quick edit on a little thing called "Knock Knock", which was a translation of an old gong show sketch. I should get that done so I can get it up on the net. I've been putting a lot of work into trying to get "Horrorflix" version 2 finished. To my eye, it doesn't work. I'm going to get it finished, so its' the best I can make it, but - well, the phrase about polishing a turd comes to mind. I'm still cursing Lisa's name for bailing on us the way she did. She completely fucked us over, and I am not happy! I had gotten the shits with HorrorFlix, so I went back and tried to finish "Fearless Monster Hunters". I love this little thing. It got me inspired, so were going out this weekend and filming another episode. At some point I'm going to redo "Why Not?" as well, cause I still love that film, and would like to have a HD version. There's a show on Channel 31 that is putting out the call for short film, so we're going to start sending off some submissions to that. AS I said earlier, we didn't get shortlisted for Trasharama. I think The Lot is a really good film, but it probably wasn't what they were looking for. I'm going to go to the screening just to see what kind of thing they were after. I'm already planning to try and make 'Aborted' for next year. More on that later.

My health's OK - I'm tired a lot - my home's all right. I'm glad Summer seems to be kicking in nicely. And I'm more in love with my beautiful girl than ever. She's the main thing that's keeping me going at the moment, and I thank whoever for having her in my life.

I'm hungry, want breakfast, and have to get ready for work. This should hold you.

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