Friday, September 12, 2008

Don't vote. It encourages the bastards

I've been watching with some interest the build up to the upcoming election in the states. To start off with, this election is significant because we're finally getting rid of Alfred E, uh, George Dubya Bush. Personal opinion, but no one has done more to fuck up the world than this clown.

Some people are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them. Then there are those who get it as a graduation gift.

The current race was interesting for a while, cause it was the Black guy versus the Chick. America was going to have a first in the white house. The first African American President, or the First Female president. For a country who's intelligence and evolution seems to be going backwards, this was a pretty positive step. Unfortunately, Hillary dropped out. But she did put her support behind Obama. I really want Obama to get in. Not sure why, but my money's behind him.

Now, I know NOTHING about his running mate. The old guy with the white hair. But it seems that no one really cares about him. All the interest is around the little lady he's chosen as his potential VP. Senator Palin. The ex beauty queen from Alaska who's pro gun, anti abortion and very evangelical. The lady who shoots reindeer's for fun in front of her kids. The woman who is behind the war in Iraq, because she believes it's 'God's Plan'.

This woman scares the living shit out of me.

This woman is the American equivalent of an ignorant Pauline Hanson. Redundant, I know. But the thing that gets me the worst is that final line about it being God's plan. Anyone who thinks that their right is difficult to argue with. Sometimes they may begrudgingly admit you have a point, but that's about it. Anyone who not only thinks they're right, but believes that God's on they're side, is fucking dangerous. Because they believe that anything that they do is not only justified, but it's 'Morally correct'.

I believe politicians should have a fairly open mind. They have to be able to hear both sides of the argument, then make the best decision from all the facts. This ignorant backwater bitch has already got her mind made up. And NO ONE is going to be able to tell her any differently.

Why is it the Americans have the ability to scare the living crap out of everyone else on the planet?

1 comment:

Amie.f.d said...

pro-gun, anti-abortian hey? Well those are two things i definatly dont agree with her on. i did see that shes on msn news today-never really noticed her much till now, mite check it out.
How bout those orthodox fuckheads sexually abusing those women under the guise of removing curses and making them pay for it? the world is quite fucked from certain views and that chick sounds like a major loon, but hey, whats one more piece of sludge added to the sesspool.