Thursday, July 24, 2008

Morally superior Morons

I'm posting this now, while I'm still a little Shitty.

One of the websites I visit frequently is SUPERHEROHYPE. It deals with comic to film adaptations. Anything and everything on that subject. AS you can tell, it's the kind of stuff I want to know.

As with most news sites these days, there are spaces underneath where people can leave comments. Some of these things can get a little obscure sometimes, veering wildly away from the original subject.

A story I just read was about Bryan Singer's production company acquiring the rights to some new comic book that hasn't even been published yet - there's a whole 'nother rant in THAT one - which is written by a Guy named Rob Liefeld, whom is the embodiment of everything that's wrong with the comic industry. So yeah, at got my back up to start up with.

Now, as anybody who knows me - let me rephrase that, has been in earshot would know, I was EXTREMELY unimpressed with Singer's SUPERMAN RETURNS. That movie was wrong for so many reasons. I have a whole rant, which really doesn't take a lot of persuading to get me to go into, which I will post up here at some point. I don't seem to be alone in this position, as most of the comments that followed the story were about Singer hopefully NOT doing a Superman Sequel. I gotta admit, I agree with them on this. I was checking out some of the comments, when I got to the last one, which went like this.

Posted by: Ender The Xenocide on July 23, 2008 at 11:05:38

Well, first off...this article makes no mention of Superman. All these threads are, are a way to totally rip on movies and the people that make them. I would have to say that NO ONE who posts here as any idea as to what it takes to make an actual movie, that's not to say you may not have read a book on the subject but I bet none of you can honestly that they have worked on a big budget movie so what gives you the right to rip on people who do? The bottom line is that Singer has and does know what it takes. I'm an electrician by trade, and if a plumber came onto my job and tried to tell me that I was wiring a light or receptacle wrong I'd tell him where to go. So every hater out there, get your heads out of your asses and just enjoy what gets made and save the opinions for people educated on such matters.

I, hopefully understandably, got a little shitty about this. So I replied thus:

Posted by: ShannmanLives on July 23, 2008 at 11:38:22

Oh, and by the way, Ender. Who am I to rip on movies, especially Superman Returns? I'll tell you. I'm an audience member, I'm a Superman Fan, and I'm a movie lover. And that's all the qualifications I need. To use your analogy of an electrician, if I paid money to have a light switch installed in my house, You're right. even though I understand the basics of how it works, wouldn't know how to do it myself. But if that light switch doesn't work, then I have every right to complain and want my money back, or want someone else to do the job properly. Even though film is a much more subjective realm, being a creative endeavour, the end result is the same. We, the fans, the people who love Superman and the character he his and what he represents, entrusted Singer to take that character and craft a story around him that reminded us of why we love Superman in the first place. In his - sorry to say - selfish and narrow minded interpretation of the character, Singer gave us a film that bored the average film goer, and angered and annoyed the fans. He let us down. Pure and simple. And we have every right to voice our dissatisfaction! And to say we have no right to complain, simply because we couldn't do it? We know that it can be done! Ironman worked fantastically! Incredible Hulk was a HUGE improvement over it's forebear. And just look at what the Dark Knight is doing, and that's a freaking sequel!!

Here's a suggestion. How about you get your head out of your arse and go back to your wall sockets. Stop trying to set yourself up on a pedestal by posting a supposed Morally superior opinion that just reeks of narrow mindedness and low intelligence!! If you don't like these comments, DON'T FREAKING READ THEM!!!!

As for everyone else, RANT ON!! How much does everyone think JUSTICE LEAGUE is gonna suck!!?!

Small minded twat.

I'm still a little bit ticked off at this clown. I'm sure, if given the chance, I could go on and on about this, but it just galls me. I don't even know how to finish this post off. I've made movies. I know they're not easy! But does that automatically make me more or less qualified to judge others? All that means is I have a slightly different vantage point on which to view things!

You don't need qualifications to know you didn't enjoy something. And you shouldn't have idiots like this fuckwitt telling you you're not entitled to your opinion!! He seems to be yet another forebear of the current mentality that doesn't allow any sort of non conformist opinion or thought. If you don't agree with the "moral Majority", whatever the fuck that means, you're automatically disparaged and frowned upon. And god help anybody who ever speaks their mind. It's just bullshit!!

Sorry all. I'm just getting angrier, and I don't think I'm really making any sense, so I better disappear.

Fucking stupid little twat.

1 comment:

Amie.f.d said...

Yeah i agree with you. I hate it when people try to pass off cliched cereal box wisdom for real insight. I also value my right to complain, critiscise and dislike things, people, attitudes, behaviours, clothing, birds etc etc.
Going a little deeper, we live in a society when praising others is a characteristic of good people and critiscism is synonomous with badness/evil.
Fuck sometimes people dont like stuff, its part of being human, AND if it wasnt for a highlighting of the negatives, women wouldnt be wearing shoes, small children would be imprisoned for stealing candy, we would all be fans of Hitler and in a general sense-the world around us would never improve one bit.
Oh and what if you had to BE Hitler before you had the right to critiscise him? Sorry Jesus we killed your people.
Seems no-ones asking for experience or permission when they decide to praise anything, why the fuck not?