Monday, July 21, 2008

The turbo mini jib

Whenever I have a day off, I always feel a little shitty if I don't 'achieve' something. Doesn't have to be major, I just need to know that I did something with my time.

I started work on this thing quite a while back. I got the instructions off of Indy Mogul. It was mostly a measure of getting my hands on the materials I needed, which depended on me having the money left at the end of the week. Which of course, rarely happened. But last week, I had a spare couple of bucks, so I finally picked up the last of what I needed. So here it is. My Turbo Mini Jib.
Essentially what it is is a small camera crane. Hopefully it will enable me to do some slightly trickier shots. I took it for a quick test run this afternoon, the footage of which is below. It's a little shaky, cause the whole set up is rickety as hell. It's designed to be adhered to the top of a tripod, but I think mine is a little too lightweight for it. I've also gotta find a way to counter weight the end, cause it's a battle to operate.

But I have to admit, I'm quite proud of it. It turned out well, and wasn't as hard as I thought. I just hope all the other stuff I'm building turns out as well.


Amie.f.d said...

Cool. I love how you included the dogs, they were like wtf?

Unknown said...

Great blog of mini Jib Crane.
Jib Crane is basically fixed with floor or a heavy wall so that it should not be moved while working. They are performing its duty in such a way that it uses very small piece of time and can work a lot more than so many persons just to transport big equipments from here to there.
