Wednesday, May 20, 2009

RoboToon vs The Transformers

I'm sorry if I'm being boring and repetitious, but the only thing I have on my mind lately is giant robots.

First up, no I haven't signed up for some sort of comic crossover - although, now that I think about it, it would be cool. No idea what the story would be - it's just the conflicting desires in my brain between these two great loves of mine.

As you know, I have been working very diligently on the next issue of my bunny book. I just finished my 13th page last night, which puts me over the halfway mark. Admittedly, I am thinking about putting another double page spread in to beef up one of the scenes, but I digress. My deadline for the book is this years Supanova convention.

What's also taking up a lot of my thought processes is the Transformers sequel that is coming out this year, which I am very much looking forward to, huge geek that I am.

The ironic part about this is that the deadline for both of these things is pretty much exactly the same time.

Transformers starts June 25th. This is also the very last day I can leave it to to get my book published in time for the convention. It's not done by then, it won't be done.

So. I look at The transformers, and I want this date to arrive faster. Then I look at the work I have still to do, and I want that date to take it's time.

Like I said. Conflicted.


Anonymous said...

dude come to wagga and watch it with us

soundwave FTW !!!!!

ShannmanLives said...

I'm going to spend opening day in the Imax screen at work, watching it as many times as I can. I'm coming up after the con, so I'll come see it with you guys as well.