Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lost in Transistion

Happy New Year.

So far this year has, well, not been going to crash hot. First up, I moved, which turned out to be a rather traumatic experience. My ex flatmates were HUGELY undecided as to what they were going to be doing as far as living arrangements were concerned. It was to up in the air for me, so I was looking around desperately for a new place to live. The first piece of seeming luck that came along was an offer to share with an old school friend. Now, keep in mind, I didn't actually ask if I could live with this girl. I sent a message out on Facebook, asking if anyone knew of a room to rent anywhere. She responded, saying she owns a house, they had a spare room, if I was interested I could take her up on it. I was thrilled and told her straight away that I would gladly take her up on the offer.

At which point, she very quickly rescinded on the offer.

That really pissed me off. If I had of asked, and she did the turnaround thing, fair enough. But to offer something like that, and then take it back, I just felt that was kind of harsh.

So, moving right along. I kept looking, my room mates kept umming and Ahring about whether or not they were going to move or not. I got an offer from some friends about a small spare room they had at their place. All else fails, I could move in there for a while. My room mates were so up in the air about everything, I thought I'd just get pro active and move into this back room. Only problem was, it was just a lot smaller than I was used to. A LOT smaller. I packed up the majority of my belongings, stored them all at my parents house, and moved in.

So that's where I am now. At least until I find a new place to live, which is my number one priority at the moment.

More to come.

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