Friday, January 30, 2009

The Countdown continues

I'm down to two weeks before i can move into my new place. I haven't felt anticipation like this since i was a kid waiting for Christmas. It's so frustrating. I just want to get in and start organising my place. That's the key word here. MY PLACE!

See, this is the first time, truly, hat it has been my place. Before this, I've lived with my parents, my girlfriend, flatmates, friends and so on. And in all those situations, it's never truly been mine. I'm just taking up a room, or staying briefly, or in the case of Paula, I just let her do what she wanted to get some peace. (God Christ, she was an annoying bitch.) But this place will be mine. Mine to organise how I wish, decorate how I wish, clean up or leave messy how I wish. No other rules to follow, no remembering that it's the cats home too, no tiptoeing around after dark, no keeping my door shut to get a little privacy. Mine. My own. My precio(nope, not going there).

But for now, I play the waiting game. It feels a little like everything is on hold. My comics, my movies - anything I want to achieve until I get settled. So yeah. I'm a little anxious.

At least there's a light at the end of this tunnel.

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