Friday, January 30, 2009

The Countdown continues

I'm down to two weeks before i can move into my new place. I haven't felt anticipation like this since i was a kid waiting for Christmas. It's so frustrating. I just want to get in and start organising my place. That's the key word here. MY PLACE!

See, this is the first time, truly, hat it has been my place. Before this, I've lived with my parents, my girlfriend, flatmates, friends and so on. And in all those situations, it's never truly been mine. I'm just taking up a room, or staying briefly, or in the case of Paula, I just let her do what she wanted to get some peace. (God Christ, she was an annoying bitch.) But this place will be mine. Mine to organise how I wish, decorate how I wish, clean up or leave messy how I wish. No other rules to follow, no remembering that it's the cats home too, no tiptoeing around after dark, no keeping my door shut to get a little privacy. Mine. My own. My precio(nope, not going there).

But for now, I play the waiting game. It feels a little like everything is on hold. My comics, my movies - anything I want to achieve until I get settled. So yeah. I'm a little anxious.

At least there's a light at the end of this tunnel.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Weed

One of Tony's comic creating cohorts is a guy named Craig McGuiness. Hope I spelt that right. Craig draws a character called the Aussie Battler, but he also has this whole mythos of characters, all based on Australian concepts. He's also created an entire mythology that his characters exist in, based on shady government agents, shady characters, and a group of revolutionaries trying to bring down the whole thing. His characters have names like Rdbk, Ash Wednesday and the Sons of Lightfoot.

I got a little inspired by Craig's character called The Weed, which is some sort of alien life form living in Lake Burley Griffith. I had a version of it pop into my head, and wanted to put it down.

And here's the result.

Scanner no more

My Scanner broke, damn it.

A little while ago, I forked out a bit of cash and got myself an A3 Scanner. I do most of my comic page artwork at A3, so it made sense. And it worked great, up until a week or two back. But it started making bad noises and crashing the computer. So, back to the store it went.

It's going to take about a month before it's repaired or replaced. Luckily, I guess, I can't really draw very much where I am at the moment, so hopefully it'll be back in time for me to start producing more art.


Monday, January 26, 2009

I HAVE A HOME!!!!!!!!

You know what, that about covers it.

The only shitty part is, I don't move in until the 12th of February. So, onc again, my life is stuck in limbo for a while. At least there's a light at the end of this vortex.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lost in Transistion

Happy New Year.

So far this year has, well, not been going to crash hot. First up, I moved, which turned out to be a rather traumatic experience. My ex flatmates were HUGELY undecided as to what they were going to be doing as far as living arrangements were concerned. It was to up in the air for me, so I was looking around desperately for a new place to live. The first piece of seeming luck that came along was an offer to share with an old school friend. Now, keep in mind, I didn't actually ask if I could live with this girl. I sent a message out on Facebook, asking if anyone knew of a room to rent anywhere. She responded, saying she owns a house, they had a spare room, if I was interested I could take her up on it. I was thrilled and told her straight away that I would gladly take her up on the offer.

At which point, she very quickly rescinded on the offer.

That really pissed me off. If I had of asked, and she did the turnaround thing, fair enough. But to offer something like that, and then take it back, I just felt that was kind of harsh.

So, moving right along. I kept looking, my room mates kept umming and Ahring about whether or not they were going to move or not. I got an offer from some friends about a small spare room they had at their place. All else fails, I could move in there for a while. My room mates were so up in the air about everything, I thought I'd just get pro active and move into this back room. Only problem was, it was just a lot smaller than I was used to. A LOT smaller. I packed up the majority of my belongings, stored them all at my parents house, and moved in.

So that's where I am now. At least until I find a new place to live, which is my number one priority at the moment.

More to come.