Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I've been Reviewed!!

I sent my comics off to a lady who had reviewed Tony's comics for him, just to see what she thought. She printed her first review of Robotoon Issue 1 just yesterday.


It's quite positive, and says some things I've never thought of before. I'm looking forward to seeing what she writes of the next two.

On another note, Tony hung out with me this 'arvo and we were going through some of our films we'd made. Sitting down to check out the cut of Horrorflix, we gutted it, cutting ti down to a more manageable state. I had gotten to a point where I hated it, but now it doesn't flow to badly. I've also done a bit more cutting on the first Fearless Monster Hunters, which makes it work a bit better. Taking a bit of time away, then coming back to a project helps you to get a better viewpoint on things. Clears your head, so you can make a bit better decisions.

We also tried shooting part two of FMH, but stopped half way through. I just wasn't feeling it, it wasn't working out, I picked the wrong location, etc. I have to pull my finger out and get some more things up on Youtube, cause Tony's kicking my ass at the moment. Of course, where he beats in quantity, I beat in quality . . .

I've got about 4 pages of Robotoon pencilled and ready to go. One's Nearly done inking, the others need to be traced up ready. I went to buy some paper today, but the store I went to didn't stock it. Which was annoying, cause I took a special drive out to Liverpool to pick it up. There are two art stores closer to here, but they both suck. I'm going to leave earlier for work tomorrow and try the Art store in Newtown. Fingers Crossed.

Ness is nearly finished her course, so hen she's done, I'm going to get her stuck into making the puppet for 'Aborted'. Yes, I'm really going to make that bloody thing. Let's see Trasharama not include me NEXT bloody year! I also got paid for that drawing of the Sick Forklift I did, more than I was expecting. The money went to good use, buying me a set of specialised lenses for my camera. I still need - want - a wide angle lens and another longer lasting battery. I've got an idea on how to solve my lighting issues, but that will wait for later

Got a few more parts of Mythicman done. Haven't uploaded them just yet. Need to research some facts before they go up. I hope people are enjoying it.

Not much else to report at this stage in the game.

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