Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another step closer. . .

So I turned 34 yesterday.

I think I preferred 33. There's a bit of synchronicity to it. 34 sounds like you're counting towards something.

I had lunch with my parents and my Pretty Girl, helped dad out with some farm stuff, went for a drive, then sat and watched an old Hitchcock film while Ness slept in my arms. Ness gave me this great book on short film making, and her parents and sister gave me the Marvel Encyclopedia. Mum and dad gave me a huge warm and cosy jacket - lousy timing considering its going into Summer - and a t-shirt they picked up in New York. And I had a truck load of emails from friends on Facebook.

Then today, I received the review of the second issue of Robotoon, which was once again really positive.

Not a bad day on any accounts.

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