Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Shooting Spree begins!!

I'm over the funk I was in. sometimes I'm up, sometimes down. It happens.

Today was the first day of the Swashbuckler Studios Shooting Spree. What that is, essentially, is every weekend this month Tony and I are going to try and get as many things shot as humanly possible. We've been planning this for months. Today was our first day, and even though it started off small, it went well.

We went in to Fox Studios and shot a small piece called 'Yawn of the Dead'. I'm not telling you anything else until it's uploaded. We also briefly got some shots for 'Not another fucking Art Film', which turned out to be lot's of fun. Shooting in and around a crowd as we did was a challenge for me, but apart from some arrogant motherfuckers who decided to walk in front of the camera, it all seemed to go off without a hitch. I'm interested to see the final project. I'm still not happy with my lighting in scenes, even in outdoor scenes, but I'm not too sure how to rectify that just yet. Live and learn. I've also got to remember to check my equipment and take my instruction manual for the camera. Came up short a couple of times with things I just expected to have. It happens.

Any how. That's all for now. More later.

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