Sunday, August 31, 2008

The end is the begining is the end

Today was the last day of the 'Shooting Spree', which was an entire month of weekends where we went out and filmed. We picked this month because Tony's new girlfriend had to go over seas for a month. Seems redundant now. More on THAT later.

We got a lot done over this month. It scares me a little, how much more stuff we could have done over the last couple years if I wasn't always working weekends. I digress. So the projects we got done were:

Horrorflix V2.0 - The re shoot of our failed Trasharama shoot, which almost became a case of History repeating itself.

Yawn of the Dead - Just a short thing, filmed at Fox studios, which takes the piss out Tony's need for coffee first thing in the morning. We have one more shot to do for this before it's completed.

Knock Knock - This had to have been the most fun we had. A short comedy sketch, based on an old Gong show sketch. The film's funny. The Bloopers reel is funnier.

Dueling Remote's - not the final title. This is possibly going to be the world's silliest Lightsaber battle.

Toilet Humour - I managed to edit this together for Tony. It looks really good, which I was a little surprised at.

We had a few other things we wanted to do but didn't get around to. No big deal, we can get to them later. I'm quite pleased at how much we got done. Have to admit though, this month sort of re-iterated just how exhausting filming can be. We would be out shooting for only about four hours or so, and wind up completely exhausted. We ever get around to shooting a feature, it's going to kill us! I have to finish editing and special effects work on the films before posting them. I'll let you all know when they're available.

Now for the other news. Like I said, Tony and I picked this month to shoot because his girlfriend was away overseas. She was due to get back this Wednesday, which is about three days away. Tony received a call from the girl, who proceeded to tell him he had been replaced, and she no longer wanted to pursue a relationship with him. To say he was devastated by the news is to call World War 2 an annoying skirmish. I drove Tony back to his dad's place a little while ago. If I had to sum up Tony's mood by the time I dropped him off, I would have to say. . .


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thank Screaming Christ!!!!!!!

DC Comics and Warner Bros just announced that they will be rebooting the Superman Franchise.

This essentially means that Bryan Singer will not be allowed to fuck Superman up the ass again. We may finally be able to get a movie about Superman, and not the adventures of Captain Whiny Bitch.

Colour me happy.

BTW. The Horroflix Day two post is coming. I'm just taking my time writing it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dr Horrible. Pretty darn good.

God I hate Joss Whedon

If you've never heard of it before, Joss has written and produced an online TV show called Dr Horrible's sing-along blog. It's a mouthful, I know. If you want to see it in full, download it off Limewire, or some other peer to peer. There are songs on Youtube, but no full episodes.

Joss has structured this thing, so that in Half an hour, you come to really like this Supervillian wannabe, hate his arch-Nemesis Captain Hammer, and really hope that he gets together with his Laundromat crush, Penny. You're laughing at it, surprised by but enjoy the musical numbers, and completely enjoying the story.

Then, suddenly, he breaks your heart with the last two words of the show.

Why can't I make shit like that?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

More of the shooting spree

We got the end of Horrorflix shot today. It won't be the film we planned for or hoped for, because we got let down at the last minute by someone we were counting on. Kinda harsh, but it's the simple truth.

I'll go into details later. I'm really tired, been a long weekend, and right now I just wanna watch a Superman cartoon lying in bed. I wish my girl was here, but I always wish my girl was here.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Festival of fear.

There's a certain type of fear that only goes along with doing things for the first time. Think back. The first time you called a girl, the first kiss, the first MORE than kiss, your first day of a new job, so on. I got to experience - am still experiencing - a whole new first at the moment.

I have finally entered my first ever film festival.

I mailed off the entry for the Trasharama film festival yesterday. I really don't like to think about it too much, cause it messes with my head. Could I have done more with the film? Should I have changed any of it? Was the music right? All these stupid, second guessing questions going through my head any time I put thought into it. But it's too late. The film now is what it is, and now I just have to wait. I've earned a free ticket to the event just by entering, so fingers crossed I'll be seeing my film up on the screen with all the others.

On the flip side, we're filming again this weekend. Tony and I have decided to take another crack at HorrorFlix. We did some filming last week, which all was four naught, because Tony cut his hair during the week without thinking about the ramifications. Dickhead.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lousy Immune System!!

In HG Wells' classic novel, 'The War of the Worlds', the Martian invaders were eventually brought down by the smallest things on the planet - Bacteria. They had no immunity to our diseases and eventually succumbed.

I think I know how they feel.

I'm sick again. I'm taking the day off and am staying in bed, sweating and coughing.

Not fun

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Shooting Spree begins!!

I'm over the funk I was in. sometimes I'm up, sometimes down. It happens.

Today was the first day of the Swashbuckler Studios Shooting Spree. What that is, essentially, is every weekend this month Tony and I are going to try and get as many things shot as humanly possible. We've been planning this for months. Today was our first day, and even though it started off small, it went well.

We went in to Fox Studios and shot a small piece called 'Yawn of the Dead'. I'm not telling you anything else until it's uploaded. We also briefly got some shots for 'Not another fucking Art Film', which turned out to be lot's of fun. Shooting in and around a crowd as we did was a challenge for me, but apart from some arrogant motherfuckers who decided to walk in front of the camera, it all seemed to go off without a hitch. I'm interested to see the final project. I'm still not happy with my lighting in scenes, even in outdoor scenes, but I'm not too sure how to rectify that just yet. Live and learn. I've also got to remember to check my equipment and take my instruction manual for the camera. Came up short a couple of times with things I just expected to have. It happens.

Any how. That's all for now. More later.