Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Lot 2

I should really start going to bed earlier.

Well, we finally managed to get something shot. Because my beautiful, sexy, creative and talented girlfriend was busy this weekend - and no, I'm not in trouble. She really is all those things - Tony and I went out and finally - FINALLY! - got something shot. Shooting down at a vacant lot a few blocks away from my house, we managed to get everything we needed for the short I spoke about in my last post. I sat down to try and edit, but wound up having infinite problems between my computer, my camera and my editing software. So I have no idea how it looks just yet. Tony once again gave it his all, sacrificing his shirt to the staining properties of fake blood. I once again found out how much it terrifies me to film out in public. My hands were shaking quite badly towards the end there. We had a few curios on lookers, with the token "Hey, what are you guys doing?" question from one of the bolder ones. I'm going to have to come up with a better answer for that than just "messing around, killing time". Getting an audience always throws me off. This, I have no reasoning behind. I guess it's just one of those things you eventually need to get used to.

I'll have a few photos up here soon, and will eventually embed the final flick once it's all done. Mac willing, that is.

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