Monday, March 31, 2008

Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy!

Don't you hate it when, after going under the delusion that you had lots of time, you suddenly realise that you have NO time? Or is that just me?

I did some math last night. To get Robotoon issue 2 out for the Sydney Supanova comic con, I have approximately 9 weeks. The con itself is on the 20th through 22nd, but I need to leave a few weeks for the printers to do what they do. Having only 4 completed pages, that leaves me with 20 pages plus cover. quickly doing the math, that's 3 days per page. Which seems plenty.

Take in the fact that for one, I have a real time job to do and tow, I'm a really slow and fussy artist, and suddenly it doesn't seem like that long at all. That and the fact that I'm stuck on page 13. I know what page 24 is, and I'm plotted and pencilled up to 12, but I don't know how to get from one to the other.

To coin a phrase, "AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" End quote.

On a different note though, I feeling quite chuffed with myself. On my last day off, I got quite productive. A while back I bought myself a quite expensive Microphone to go with also quite expensive Camera. (Not bragging here. Had to go without some other stuff I wanted to be able to afford these.) I had looked around to get myself a boom pole for the mic, but these were seemingly ridiculously expensive. Fortunately, one of my favorite web sites - Indy Mogul - had instructions on how to build a cheap alternative. So, I found the parts, followed the instructions and Viola! A cheap, home made boom pole.

Yay me. I might actually get to use it after I'm finished with the bunny.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The calm after the storm.

OK, so my imagination was the worse part of my dilemma last night. Things have worked out - I'm getting better at dodging bullets than Neo - and I retained my sense of calm. My beautiful girlfriend is laying on my bed watching "Sin City" and later on we're heading into the city museum so I can draw dinosaurs.

Life feels pretty good right now. Especially compared to last night.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Having a history of anxiety attacks and too much imagination is not a good combination. You can wind up giving yourself an ulcer.

Also having a history of screwing things up unintentionally doesn't help.

What am I talking about? Last night at work, I did something which, at the time, seemed innocent enough. Unfortunately it snowballed into something major. I'm yet to have to deal with the consequences of that action which may turn out to be relatively minor. But like I said, past history can take your head in some strange directions. So I'm living with a foreboding sense of dread at the moment that I will not be able to shake until everything has hit the fan.

I hate this. It seems to not be in my nature to be able to just exist, under the radar, without getting myself in strife. And I HATE being in trouble. With an absolute passion. Yet, with what seems to be a minimum of effort, I seem to always be in some form of strife. And truth be told, I'm getting a little sick of it.

Ah well. Time will tell. I'll either be still employed this time tomorrow or desperately searching for a new job. I know which one I'm hoping for.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Production Photos and Poster

Well, I've managed to complete a first edit of The Lot. I was worried that I didn't capture what I needed or wanted for the final product, but I managed to make it work. Got to admit, I'm quite proud of the final result. I think it works quite well. I had a quick preview showing with Dr Gonzo, who enjoyed it, commenting though that it took a little bit to get warmed up. I have to admit, that was something I was thinking as well, so I'm trying to fix that up at the mo. I still need to fix up the sound and colour correct it before I call it finished. I was thinking about adding some music, but I really don't think it needs it.

So, to keep you interested, here are a few production photos we took, along with a poster I whipped up. I have to admit, I get a hell of a kick out of making up posters for my films. I might post a few of the others I've done up hear at a later date.


Monday, March 17, 2008


Just a brief post before crashing.

The images here are the first two completed pages for Robotoon issue 2. I'm hoping to get this completed for Supanova in Sydney in June. The first issue took 12 years, now I'm trying to finish this one in 6 months. Talk about your inconsistent shipping schedule.

But hey, I'm still more reliable than Rob Liefeld.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Lot 2

I should really start going to bed earlier.

Well, we finally managed to get something shot. Because my beautiful, sexy, creative and talented girlfriend was busy this weekend - and no, I'm not in trouble. She really is all those things - Tony and I went out and finally - FINALLY! - got something shot. Shooting down at a vacant lot a few blocks away from my house, we managed to get everything we needed for the short I spoke about in my last post. I sat down to try and edit, but wound up having infinite problems between my computer, my camera and my editing software. So I have no idea how it looks just yet. Tony once again gave it his all, sacrificing his shirt to the staining properties of fake blood. I once again found out how much it terrifies me to film out in public. My hands were shaking quite badly towards the end there. We had a few curios on lookers, with the token "Hey, what are you guys doing?" question from one of the bolder ones. I'm going to have to come up with a better answer for that than just "messing around, killing time". Getting an audience always throws me off. This, I have no reasoning behind. I guess it's just one of those things you eventually need to get used to.

I'll have a few photos up here soon, and will eventually embed the final flick once it's all done. Mac willing, that is.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Lot

Ok, so last weekend, Tony and planned for him to come over and we were all motivated to go out and shoot a new little horror film idea I have called The Lot. I was exited because this was just a great, short little idea that I thought would work well. Tony was exited because . . . well, Tony just gets exited easily. The day came, we'd worked out the film in our heads, we're had everything we needed to get going - and both of us came down with a really nasty case of the flu. So we postponed the shoot.

But now, for the first time in ages, I have a Saturday free. So, we're going to try again and see what we can do. Personally, I'm looking forward to it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I got put onto blogging because of Amie. So, thanks sweetheart, you're the reason I'm inflicting my mental cesspool of consciousness on the world.

I was never really into the act of recording your daily though process, but something recently lit a bit of a fire under my butt. Everyone who knows me knows I have aspirations - things I want to achieve. Recently though, not a lot of headway has been made on that front. One type of human being that I truly hate are Wannabes. People who claim to be something, or think that they are something simply because they say it's so, but never do anything to back it up. You've all met them. Writers, Artist, Film-makers I think are the worst. And recently I've had a fear that I'm turning into one of these clowns. So that's kinda the point of this blog. With this, I now have people watching me, with expectations. That should help motivate me to try and get something done. You know are all my editors, critics and audience.

I'll try not to let you down.