Don't you hate it when, after going under the delusion that you had lots of time, you suddenly realise that you have NO time? Or is that just me?
I did some math last night. To get Robotoon issue 2 out for the Sydney Supanova comic con, I have approximately 9 weeks. The con itself is on the 20th through 22nd, but I need to leave a few weeks for the printers to do what they do. Having only 4 completed pages, that leaves me with 20 pages plus cover. quickly doing the math, that's 3 days per page. Which seems plenty.
Take in the fact that for one, I have a real time job to do and tow, I'm a really slow and fussy artist, and suddenly it doesn't seem like that long at all. That and the fact that I'm stuck on page 13. I know what page 24 is, and I'm plotted and pencilled up to 12, but I don't know how to get from one to the other.
To coin a phrase, "AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" End quote.
On a different note though, I feeling quite chuffed with myself. On my last day off, I got quite productive. A while back I bought myself a quite expensive Microphone to go with also quite expensive Camera. (Not bragging here. Had to go without some other stuff I wanted to be able to afford these.) I had looked around to get myself a boom pole for the mic, but these were seemingly ridiculously expensive. Fortunately, one of my favorite web sites - Indy Mogul - had instructions on how to build a cheap alternative. So, I found the parts, followed the instructions and Viola! A cheap, home made boom pole.
Yay me. I might actually get to use it after I'm finished with the bunny.
1 comment:
Hey cool mic pole, hehe
We read your first comic book when Gerard and i went down to Chris and Amie's for easter, it was rather good i though, we did buy it off them but we left it there :-S
Can't wait to read the next one :-D
Luke :-D
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