Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I got put onto blogging because of Amie. So, thanks sweetheart, you're the reason I'm inflicting my mental cesspool of consciousness on the world.

I was never really into the act of recording your daily though process, but something recently lit a bit of a fire under my butt. Everyone who knows me knows I have aspirations - things I want to achieve. Recently though, not a lot of headway has been made on that front. One type of human being that I truly hate are Wannabes. People who claim to be something, or think that they are something simply because they say it's so, but never do anything to back it up. You've all met them. Writers, Artist, Film-makers I think are the worst. And recently I've had a fear that I'm turning into one of these clowns. So that's kinda the point of this blog. With this, I now have people watching me, with expectations. That should help motivate me to try and get something done. You know are all my editors, critics and audience.

I'll try not to let you down.

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