Saturday, February 14, 2009

I'm home.

For some reason I couldn't get to sleep last night, and now I can't stay asleep. I've only had four hours crash time.

On the upside though, last night was my first night in my new place.

I am so happy to be here. It took me two days to move in. Longer than I thought. Isn't it always the way? Went and picked up the keys Thursday morning I had Vanessa's help for Thursday. There is nothing than can charge up the guilty metre like watching your girlfriend carrying heavy boxes up and down a driveway in the rain. I'll have to find a way to make it up to her. I stayed at mum and dad's on Thursday, so I could get an early start Friday morning. Packed the last of my stuff into the truck, filled my car with boxes and was away. Around 7.30 last night, I moved the last box inside. About 2.30 in the morning, I had the place set up enough I could go to bed.

I've got a lot of washing up to do, because a lot of stuff has just been sitting in boxes for - literally - years, still a lot of unpacking and sorting and I really need a better Internet connection (Unwired Sucks!!) but, in spite of all that, I am really happy here.


I took some photos, but the cable's still packed. Somewhere.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Moving day and the Flix

So I FINALLY get to move into my new house tomorrow.

God, it's been a long three weeks. I've felt so stuck in Limbo. But, all over now. Tomorrow morning, I wake up here. Tomorrow night, I go to sleep there. I'll worry about the semantics later.

On the flip side, I sent off my two entries for the Short Sighted film festival yesterday. Since it's the 13th festival, they're having a horror competition this year. Tony sent off his Black Sparrow film last Friday. I don't know how they got that finished so quickly. I sent off The Lot and the narrowly completed Horrorflix. Lucy gave me the music a couple days ago, I did all the sound and mixing in the last two days and burned the movie to DVD yesterday. Had a little bit of a nightmare when we tried to get the Money orders for the entry fees. but it all worked out in the end.

I'm uploading it to You Tube as we speak, but it's taking forever. I'll post it up here when it's done.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

You can take your Gylenhall. . .

My friend Amie keeps bragging that she is facebook friends with Jake Gyllenhal. I don't think I spelled his name right, but that's just something I'll learn to live with.

Well, I upped it. I'm friends with Rob Schrab.

Who the fuck is Rob Schrab? He's the twisted Genius behind 'Scud the Disposable Assassin', 'Monster House' and 'The Sarah Silverman Show' among other things.


Not surprised. I think he's pretty cool though.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Scenes from a cinema

So recently, since it's been so stinking hot, I have been getting out of the house early and disappearing to cooler climates. This has included places like my car - when the A/C has had the chance to work it's magic - shopping centers and arriving at work early. One good thing about working in a cinema is that if you arrive early, you just go hang in a cinema for an hour and watch part of a movie.

Now, the whole reason I wen for the job at the cinema in the first place - apart from being desperate for a job - is that I'm a movie buff. But not just for the films themselves. I love the whole cinematic experience. I remember very fondly the local cinema in Penrith - the Hayden, I think it was - would have movies for $6 before 6 every Sunday. And I was there every Sunday. I'd get my huge cup of Pepsi and a packet of cheese Twisties, wander in, pick my best spot and wait. Eventually, the lights would go dim, the slides would come up, you'd get to see a few trailers and then it would go dark and the show would begin. I always used to get a little tingle of excitement whenever the opening logo would appear on screen, knowing I was about to be taken away from the world for a couple of hours.

The stupid part is, that now that I work at the movies, I never actually GO to the movies anymore. Work is a bit of a hike for me, and the last thing I want to do on my day off is go back to my place of employment. And going in early, even to see a film is . . ., well, how often do you want to show up early for work? And because I'm usually on the night shift, seeing things after work is out. We used to be able to play the movies for ourselves after work, but that got the kibosh put on it a while back. Also, the fact that I don't need to pay for movies at work, it seems stupid to go somewhere else and pay money. So, my opportunities to see movies are few and far between.

So, the last few days, when I've been able to sit in a cinema, not in uniform, not with a two way pressed to my ear in case someone calls me, has brought back all those memories of Sunday afternoons at the local multiplex. And like most good things, you don't realise how much you miss them until you get to experience it all over again. I remembering why I fell in love with the movies in the first place, and it's been melancholy but sweet.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

ONe week to go

I move in next Thursday.

God, these three weeks are going slow!!!