Well, twenty minute of it at least.
If you're a regular reader, you'd have heard that I don't like my job. Bunch of reason I couldn't be bothered going into right now. However, every now and then, a perk will come along that almost makes up for all the other crap I deal with.
This was one of those perks.
Director Zack Synder is in Australia at the moment, working with a visual effects company on his next project. Guardians of Gilgemesh or something. I dunno, I honestly wasn't paying attention to that part. Zack's current project, however, is the film adaption of "Watchmen", the Graphic novel of Graphic Novels. This is my movie of next year. I'm looking forward to this like no other. So when I found out that we were having a special presentation at work, which included a Q and A with Zack himself and 20 minutes of movie footage, to say I was a little excited is like saying episodes 1-3 were kinda disappointing.
First up, Spoiler alert. I'm about to give away some stuff from the film. If you don't want to know, STOP READING!!!
The footage was in three main sections. There was the opening and title sequence of the film, Dr. Manhattan's origin and history and the jail break. If you've read the book, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

After that, they played the title sequence for the film. Big deal, right? Title sequence, so what? If

The next sequence they showed was Dr Manhattan's origin and History. This segment is essentially Chapter four in the book and is one of the moments I was looking forward to the most. It wasn't till after and I went back and looked at the book that I realised how much they left out of this sequence, because it covered it all perfectly. It's done int the exact same style as it is written in the book. It starts with Manhattan, on Mars, looking at an old photo of him before the accident and a girl named Janey Slater. He starts going back through his history that led him to the point. It covers all of it.

The last bit was the shortest. It was the Jail break. Once again, huge moment in the film. It starts with Nite Owl 2 and Silk Specter 2 in the Owl ship, having just had sex. Watchmen was the first book to really make mention of the Kinky Connotations of Superheroes. I mean let's face it. Superheroes are essentially people who dress up in Kink suits and dominate lesser people. Anyhow, Nite Owl and Silk Spectre break into the jail while there is a riot going on. They have to make their way through a sea of crims in order to find Rorschach. This features a fight scene that reminds you very much of some of the battle scenes in 300, with the whole sped up, slowed down styling. Once again, it works. They finally track down Rorschach, who has rather conveniently managed to get his costume and mask back. He's chasing an old Crime boss named Big Figure, who is a midget. Rorschach has just cornered him in the men's room when Owl and Silk find him. This was the only time we got to see Rorschach's mask effect, and it wasn't finished. At least I hope it wasn't finished. Owl and Silk wait some what patiently while they believe Rorschach is visiting the loo. He comes out and they walk off, followed by a great moment that is taken straight from the Graphic Novel.

After that, there was a brief montage of completed clips from the film. Like I said earlier, I got to watch it three times, so I picked up on a few things. One of which was Silk and Manhattan walking through a scene of devastation, which seems to me like it came from the end in New York. Also, Ozymandias looks a bit better in context with the film. He looks way to young in the promo photos they released of him, but he fits here.

All in all, I was thrilled with the job that had been done on the film. For non fans, this is going to be a great film. You're not going to have to have read the book to know whats going on, and so you won't feel like you're the only one who didn't get the joke. As for the fans, There is one thing I can say to you. Relax. Zack has NAILED this. This is the film every fan of Watchmen has been waiting for. You may not see your favourite panel, or hear your favourite line. But you will see Watchmen, the story as it is know and as it has been told represented up there on the big screen. I for one am more excited than ever in anticipation for this movie. I pretty much can guarantee you won't be disappointed.
And on the flip side, I managed to get my copy of Watchmen signed and gave Zack a couple of my comics for him to read. So who knows? Maybe after seeing the mother of all Graphic Novels on the screen, we might one day see the worlds greatest Aussie superhero robotic rabbit up there as well!

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