I wanted to get at least one more page finished tonight, but my boss rang today and I need to start at 7 tomorrow. That's in the AM. I usually work nights, which means I've had nights where I didn't go to bed till then, especially while I've been working on this book. Last time I had an early start - which was only recently - I decided to just stay up and not sleep, go to work straight through. That, in a word, was REALLY FUCKING DUMB!!!!!!! I had my worst day at work I've had since I started because of that! So no, no the plan at all.

Quick lesson in Transformer history. There have been many different incarnations of the TF, all with their own back stories and of course, all with their own toys. My personal favourite, simply cause I grew up with them, is Generation 1, or G1. They were all the planes and cars and vehicles. All the names and characters that your average, non geek type person would recognise are from G1. Round about the late nineties sometime, the came up with the brilliant idea of having Transformers change into animals. Henceforth, Beast Machines was born.

Of course, all this would have more weight if I didn't just spend 25 bucks on one of the things.
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