One of the tricks I have for practicing on writing stories and scripts is to come up with either ideas for sequels or film ideas for popular franchises.
One film that I had a lot of fun watching was Freddy vs Jason. I'm a big fan of the Bogeymen - Freddy, Jason, Michael, Chucky and to a lesser degree, Leatherface. Not long after hat movie became successful, a tentative sequel was announced, pitting the two characters against Ash from the Evil Dead franchise. If you don't know who that is, he's the guy with the chainsaw on one hand you see on a lot of T-shirts nowadays. Anyway, I got real excited about that and started thinking about it. A lot!
Below is a brief outline of the idea I came up with for the film. I had a chance to read the actual script that was written before the film was canned. A few of the ideas I came up with crossed over with the final draft, but there's alot of stuff in my version that's all my own. Enjoy
My version started off in Springwood. The place is completely deserted. It's pretty much trashed as well. The military was sending in several units to Freddy's house. Armed to the teeth. They all converge on the Elm street house. A squad goes in. They check the entire house. Nothing. Suddenly, out of the house across the street, bursts Jason. He goes through the soldiers like a hot knife through butter. This is revealed to be a video tape the army has. Springwood has been fenced off and quarantined. The military has watch towers all around it and a big base at the entrance. A General is talking to a politician, showing him the tape and talking about what to do. The politician asks about getting a specialist in. The general takes him to a warehouse which is filled with all the stuff recoved after sending "Specialists" in. There is all manner of shit in this place. Swords, shields, bows, crystals, wands, staffs, proton packs - you name it. They've called everyone they can find and they all failed. There's no one left. The politician's aid speaks up. "Actually, I've heard of this guy . . . "
Change to a bar in Michigan. Two MIB's stroll in and talk to the bar tender. He points them to a booth in a corner. A guy is sitting in the shadows so you can't see his face. They start talking, but they get told to leave. They keep talking. They shadow guy reaches out, and with a robotic metal hand crushes a metal table ornament. They two MIB's are a little freaked out, but then they offer to go public with the story of Professor Knowby and the Necronomicon and the cabin in the woods, telling the world it really happened. Ash leans forward out of the dark. He's suddenly interested.
Back at Springwood, all of the Military are prescribed Hypnocil, the anti-dreaming pill. One doesn't swallow his tablet, casue when he sleeps he gets visited by a beautiful dream girl who claims to be a victim of Freddy's. He tells her everything that is going on. The girl turns out to be a puppet of Freddy's. Literally. He has string attached to his finger blades and uses that to manipulate her. Freddy has heard of Ash and knows he was the guy who last had access to the Necronomicon. Freddy somehow manipulates Jason to get his hands on the book. It gives Freddy the power to come out of the dream, but still with all his powers. Freddy actually absorbs the book into his chest of souls.
The final battle takes place in a shopping mall that was under construction when Springwood was deserted. Ash is the only guy stupid enough to realise that if you pull Freddy out of the dream and then kill him, he just goes back to the dream. So Ash prepares a big Scooby Doo trap to capture Freddy under tons of concrete. In the battle, both Freddy and Jason fall into the trap and get covered. Ash is mortally wounded. As he lays there, dying, a great tunnel of light opens up in front of him. A woman's figure can be seen in the light. It turns out to be Ash's girlfriend that died in the woods, whose name escapes me. She - LINDA! - she takes his hand, tells him his battle is over and leads him up to his final reward.
Ends with 10 years later. Springwood is up and running and thriving again. A group of schoolkids is standing in the main square, being told the end of the story you just heard by a pretty female teacher. She tells that the town was saved, Freddy and Jason never came back. That's why they have the statue. They pan up and here is a statue of Ash, like the Army of Darkness poster - Chainsaw, boomstick and cocky grin. One of the kids asks what happened to the concrete that Freddy and Jason were in? The teacher says that there was a rumour that it was used as the pillar for the statue. She laughs. Suddenly there is a brief earth tremor. A slight crack appears in the Pillar. The teacher and the kids all quickly walk away. We have a close up of the pillar. A slight crack appears. A chunk breaks away, revealing one of Freddy's finger knives. As we slowly pan in, the knife moves.
The End.
1 comment:
Whats the big deal with Ash anyway? Hes a nobody with a chainsaw on his arm. I rekon forget Ash and make it Freddy vs Jason vs Micheal, now that sounds like a much better movie Hollywood. (I know you love Ash but seriously, take away the chainsaw and hes just a one-armed dude with texan inspired one-liners).
I like the way you justified his involvement, and the fact that Freddy survives cuz Freddy really is the toughest (and possibly coolest)of that lot in my eyes.
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